Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Living On Mission

So we've been spending a lot of time at church lately focusing on the concept of living "on mission." Essentially what this means is that all Believers have an obligation to share their faith and spread Christ's love. Not all of us, however, all called to quit our jobs, give up our worldly possessions, abandon our friends and family, and move to a remote region of Africa to live out the remainder of life as a missionary among the tribes. There is a much wider spectrum on which we can fulfill Christ's Great Commission.

Living on mission can be simply hosting a backyard bbq for the neighbors on your block, taking a work colleague out for a drink after a long day at the office, or striking up a friendly conversation with a complete stranger at a coffee shop. Meet others on their home turf, and take some time to discover who they are as a person. By making these simple gestures a part of your lifestyle, you are opening the door to endless opportunities to witness to your neighbors through your words, faith, and actions.

As for myself, however, I recognize that despite my best intentions, living as a daily disciple often takes a backseat to all of life's little mini-dramas. I can always find an excuse to put off the ultimate task- i'm too tired, too busy, too stressed. So what would happen if I were to push all these distractions to the wayside and make living the life of a missionary my primary purpose?...That's what I'm about to find out.